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In high gain circuits noise reduction is an important consideration. Paralleling four amplifiers will reduce the total noise of the circuit by a factor of two. The output noise of each amplifier, enOUTx, is attenuated by four and summed at the output terminal. Since noise from uncorrelated sources is summed in RMS fashion the total output noise is: enOUTtotal = sqrt((enOUT1/4)^2 + (enOUT2/4)^2 + (enOUT3/4)^2 + (enOUT4/4)^2) which is sqrt(4 * (enOUTx/4)^2) = 2*enOUTx/4 or enOUTx/2. One half the noise of a single amplifier.
Erm… sorry, what were you saying?
Hehehe, naughty Looby… I have fantasies like that all the time. ;)
Ooohh, that’s so lovely Hipster, I’m going to have to take that to bed with me now XXX
Yeah, Leni, the wake was a very enjoyable but slightly overheated few hours. As well as the woman in the lovely tight skirt, I also met someone I hadn’t seen for 15 years and she looked gorgeous. Eeeh, back to basics, sex and death.
Oh Looby, if only I was 20 years younger! *sighs*
Oh Looby, if only I was 20 years older! *sighs*
Was Trina with you at the party? I assume not. Did you tell him what he did and he still doesn’t understand what he did or he’s unaware of the offence committed?
When someone you know dies, do you ever wonder if there’s anything in the will for you? I do. It’s a fault.
Oh, it’s lovely to be wanted :)
No, Mr Exile, Trina, quite justifiably, has broken with Neil after he was jaw-droppingly rude to her one night, so even if she hadn’t been occupied elsewhere she doesn’t want any more to do with him.
Sorry, who do you mean committed an offence? The chap who talks about hifi? If you mean him, well, no, he’s OK and I’m not sure it would further the friendship were I to start lecturing him on being a bit nerdy about hifi and lacking a sex drive :)
As to money in wills, when you move in my sort of circles, you can’t expect much. None of my family have anything to leave, no property, no savings. We’re going to struggle to pay for the funeral let alone receive bequests.
My deceased friend however, had made a provision to put £1000 behind the bar! And we drank the lot in about three hours.
How old am I? Oh yes I remember now.
Another sad death - I’ve heard of too many in my generation this year… a sign of maybe I’m reaching somewhat beyond the back straight in the lap of life myself.
I may have fantasies like that but I normally keep them to myself - life’s too short and already too complicated to start exposing them
Male life expectancy in the UK is 79, guys. Having sexual fantasies is a sign that you’re still young, so if I were you I would neither worry nor expose them for the moment, unless the chances of making them true were reasonably high. ;)
F: come on lad, you’re only about my age, plenty of mileage left.
Leni: everything’s still working fine here, last time I looked :)
Fantasy and imagination should never be undervalued, they keep us engaged and vibrant I think.
Have a good Christmas Looby.
x x x
I have a rather nice copy of Marc Chagall’s early piece, entitled ‘I and the Village’, which hangs in my entrance hall. It has a vibrancy that catches the eye and a life all of its own. Chagall, a man well ahead of his time, has many interesting pieces, all I might add, at interesting prices also.
Yes that’s a fine piece. I like it a lot whilst being a bit wary of going along with what everyone likes.
Interesting prices? They’re in Exile’s Sotherby’s NYC league!
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