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I know nothing
I’m glad that these posts are coming more frequently. You used to make us wait an interminable amount of time between writings. I much prefer this. Same great stuff. Just more of it.
Smartphones are crazy expensive here in the US. Odd that they would insist you have one.
When you’ve got no-one to talk to, it makes you more voluble online. Thanks Mark, you’re always so appreciative.
Smartphones here, running Android, start at about £40 for the basic Russian models. Odd that they’re so expensive in the US. I’d have thought such a large market would have produced economies of scale.
Anyway, I’ve decided to postpone my purchase until I get paid. I haven’t got much money to play with at the moment and I don’t get paid until 10th Feb.
i’m also enjoying the more regular posts - i look forward to seeing you make progress socially, culturally and finding more comfort. At least i hope that happens!
Thank you Daisy. My flat’s warm but you wouldn’t want come here for comfort :) Got to crack on with the Kazakh. I was thinking of your daughter actually because if you had some Turkish, Kazakh would be a lot easier. Cheers though Daisy. Onward and upward!
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