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Ski Sunday
‘..that embarrassing spidery 60s-influenced arm-curling “style” that some leftwing middleaged women do’. I can picture the exact ’style’ you’re talking about, which is a tribute to your descriptive powers, obviously. Someone somewhere should write a thesis on dancing styles of the middle-aged and what they reveal about political allegiances/ likely stance in regard to the Single Transferable Vote. In fact it’s a shme you’re so terribly busy all of a sudden as you could probably knock us up 6000 words on the subject on a rainy Lancaster afternoon and save the rest of us the bother.
J - I couldn’t go out with a woman who embarrassed me on the dancefloor. There’s a woman we both know who makes a complete spectacle of herself in that way and then she wonders why this ever-increasing empty circle opens out around her.
S - Well, I don’t know, but whatever it is, I’m enjoying it. We’ve got a lot in common - French films, both like dancing, we’ve got overlapping musical tastes, she’s into food and drink and the fact that she’s well-dressed and good-looking (well, more than “good” looking) certainly helps. And she lives two minutes’ walk away!
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