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And here are the votes of the Lancaster jury
I was, naturally, going for Swtizerland and was thrilled to see the UK voted for them - sorry we didn’t return the compliment!
Hello nuttycow, nice to see you here. Don’t worry - the voting was a bit half cock because the juries were back. I can’t believe that the half drunk millions of Europe almost voted that Italian jazz-lite to the win. That must have been the juries. We only got 12 points off that erstwhile and well-known British ally, Bulgaria.
Switzerland though - the size of that woman’s waist was making me wince.
Next year I am definitely having a Eurovision party. I can’t believe I missed Jedward, although we did just catch Moldova and their hats.
The Moldovan milliner definitely excelled him or herself.
This is a great site, might you be interested in doing an interview regarding just how you created it? If so e-mail me!
Yes, but that would be a very short interview. It uses b2evolution software, a MySQL database and that’s about it. The content is just what happens to me.
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