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Agree with you about Remembrance Day. J’s facebook timeline was full of illiterate paeans about respecting soldiers, without any awareness that if the man in the street wasn’t so blindly pugilistic there might not be so many wars.
Well said Homer. The atmosphere in the country gets quite oppressive. Debate is silenced, and no questions are allowed to be asked about why we can’t afford to keep libraries open but can spend billions on war. Every single media figure has to be seen with a poppy. It’s turned a genuine vote of thanks to those who saved the country from fascism in the last century into a load of imperialist jingoist crap.
Over here it’s called Veterans Day. A proper respect is paid to the men and women. The other 364 days of the year it’s as you describe. Why, oh why, does the U.S. have bases in the European theater? Close ‘em all.
I haven’t had a recreational chemical in quite some time. At one point, I was a walking pharmacy. Things never got out of hand. I enjoyed myeslf. I kind of miss a night out of that ilk.
“At one point, I was a walking pharmacy. Things never got out of hand.”
Yes. Things never get out of hand here either. I look after my children, I have witty, sexy friends and confidantes, I work for a counselling organisation, I am in a book group, I’m not a bad cook, I read good literature, I enjoy myself in a civilised manner and go out dancing to soul, funk and other black music, and for over a decade I have volunteered at the UK’s foremost contemporary music festival. The popular idea (from people who only know about them from the media) is that rugs are so overwhelmingly controlling in one’s life that it makes it impossible to do any of these things. They’re not necessarily, although I do think speed is more civilised and sociable and gentle a rug than coke, which turns men into bigheaded arseholes.
The popular image of the rugtaker is the threatening wastrel, the dependent scruff who is doing them to postpone addressing real problems. I wish people could understand that rugs can make an evening brighter, make sex dirtier, make dancing more sensual, make a chat more open and voluble. They’re not, in my case, an eraser for distressing memories. I also wish this current lot I’ve bought was a bit better.
Hope all’s well, posts keep disappearing, or maybe you’re going a bit incognito…
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