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Mauvais lettres
Be interesting to read your earlier blogs about Trinia and compare with todays a bit like you did with your e-mails.
Soon be your hols.
I’m bar manager at our local festival for a couple of nights, oh what responsibility.
It’s still great, most of the time. But this isn’t the first time she’s done something like this and I’m starting to become a little wary. But never mind, as you say, I’ll soon be in France.
Have a great time at the beer festival. I’m sure you’ll be the man for the job.
I suspect Trina knows full well she is more invested in the relationship than you and this is her insecurity outing.
What do you mean you skipped over the filth? That’s not like you at all. Are you well?
You are a package deal. Daughters included. Trina must realize this.
It’s all so tedious, innit? I’ve always wondered if human beings are meant to be in long-term, permanent relationships. It almost always falls apart eventually.
Your diagnosis Homer, not for the first time, summarises the situation very well. I still think there’s a crack we’re papering over, using drink and sex, but maybe we’ll be happy just avoiding the issue. I have no idea why anyone would ever say to another person “This is it; I’m with you now.”
UB: Trina’s good with the girls and chatted to them easily and (best of all) unpatronisingly, while I ran around getting their tea ready. For that, she deserves kudos.
But then later, on my own, at the end of a bottle of corner shop plonk, I sometimes think–why the fuck do I bother with all this? None of the things that are promised–living together, financial security, having someone to come home to–appeal to me.
AS Homer astutely points out and you appear to know - there is an underlying issue at the core here the mismatch between the commitment between the both of you.
I’ll offer no advice and I doubt I really have anything to say - other than I’ve been with Mrs F now over 32 years (Holy Cow!) married nearly 28 years and in a word “compromise” you each have to bend to the breeze of the other but that is never easy
I just couldn’t imagine doing that. I can think about as far forward as Tuesday week, on a good day.
no advice from this corner either. i’ve been fortunate to find companions who are - at least momentarily - like-minded in wants and needs. it won’t last forever - but it’s good for now. we work surprisingly hard at communication to make sure we’re all on track. when i get exhausted from all the talk? we go out to play and get back to talking later.
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