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The Cape of Good Hope
Glad to know you enjoyed the festival.
In South Sandwich there was a contemporary music festival in the 80s, organised by the University (there were post-Cage, experimental, minimalists, repetitive, improvisators and performers like Barre Phillips, Sputz Ronnenfeld or the early Michael Nyman.
On a different note, that invitation is promising. Perhaps you overlook that sober November and change it for a sober 2014. :)
That’s a good sounding line-up you had. Did the heating bills get too much?
A whole year off the drink Leni? You’re made of stronger stuff than me. I’m climbing the walls, stuffing my face with chocolate, cheese on toast, endless cups of tea–anything to distract from the lack of drink. (One can’t take catnip all the time).
Yes, a whole year off the drink would be overoptimistic and unhealthy. January perhaps?
I presume that the heating bills you mention above have nothing to do with the monthly invoices I get in the mail as a consequence of my home boiler regular operation to heat my flat in winter. You speak divinely but my dictionary doesn’t explain what you mean when you ask me if the heating bills got too much. Would you be so nice to enlighten me? :)
I can hardly wait for one period of abstinence to end: it’s too early to start planning another period of boredom and ratty gloom. I’m only doing this for financial reasons, and were my fortunes to improve in 2014, I would not put myself through any more drink-free periods.
About the heating–I imagine that the bills to keep the auditoriums and hotels warm in the South Sandwich Islands during a contemporary music festival–or at any time–might have been prohibitive. I was just wondering why the festival stopped, if it could attract people of the calibre of those you mentioned.
See, that’s the thing about sacred music. You can only marvel at the sound of cracking from many octogenarian vocal chords as they screech their way through the high notes in ‘Jerusalem’, before yearning for a bout of coughing to mask your own incredulous bout of weeping at the enormous galea that is building within your dome.
Thanks for clarifying that for me, Looby. The cultural offer in South Sandwich was excellent during the late 80s-90s. There was a lot to see and it was affordable to anyone. Btw, entrance to the festival was free. It prolly disappeared because politics thought culture was not important and therefore, could be cut back.
Sacred music, not my cup of tea either!
PS.- Don’t eat that much to distract you from the lack of drink, please. You don’t want to put too much weight on that sexy body, do you?
Chef–"galea” (I learn this evening) is a botanical term meaning a growth resembling a helmet. If you’ve got one of those flowering in your bonce I think one needs to hightail from the Clydebank Over Sixties Choir performance double quick.
Leni: What sexy body?
Do I need to remind you how hot you looked last weekend in your fashionable outfit, Looby?
Leni, your imagination runs at a pitch of creativity that I can only envy.
indeed, breaking your month of sobriety with an all-you-can-guzzle buffet is likely to end in… well, a few good tales, anyway!
just add a couple more days in december to make up for it…
Galea - A headache which covers the entire head. Not to be confused with a dhalia of course. Surely you took a medical doctorate prior to art college?
The galea aponeurotica (epicranial aponeurosis, aponeurosis epicranialis) is a tough layer of dense fibrous tissue which covers the upper part of the cranium; behind, it is attached, in the interval between its union with the occipitales, to the external occipital protuberance and highest nuchal lines of the occipital bone; in front, it forms a short and narrow prolongation between its union with the Frontales.
On either side it gives origin to the Auriculares anterior and superior; in this situation it loses its aponeurotic character, and is continued over the temporal fascia to the zygomatic arch as a layer of laminated areolar tissue.
It is closely connected to the integument by the firm, dense, fibro-fatty layer which forms the superficial fascia of the scalp: it is attached to the pericranium by loose cellular tissue, which allows the aponeurosis, carrying with it the integument to move through a considerable distance.
The galea you refer to so loosely, comes from the Roman meaning of ‘helmet-like’ covering… hence the helmet.
Please refrain my friend, from researching any further words using the 1976 pot-head edition of your thesaurus, which surely must have come from a jumble somewhere in down town Antwerp.
Well, if we’re getting all medical and wordy, Pia mater has got to be the most interesting bit. It’s flimsy and ethereal sounding and once inspired me to write a poem :
I’m with Daisy. I’d have been deeply disappointed to read that passed on the invite. It’s an admirable undertaking but it would have been a wrong-headed decision. You have to be flexible as the situation warrants.
This kind of relates to your Moldovan lodgers: http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/25/university-london-cleaners-economic-apartheid
Chef: thanks for the elucidation, although your definition appears to be copied and pasted directly from one of those ersatz dictionaries of unusual words on the internet, which hardly has the authority of the OED, nor gives evidence of a logophilology derived from reading books.
I must thank you however, for leading me to discover that galeanthropy is the mental disorder in which one believes one is a cat.
Gossamer: never was a blog commenting nickname less appropriate to the subject matter referred to in the comment (what a fucking longwinded way of saying it, but I meant, the disjunction between your pseudonym here and the visceral subject matter of the poem.) I think I’ll stop digging now.
EoPS: Thanks! We had a great time–details available now!
Homer: Thank you, yes, that’s a great article. Lancaster Uni is just the same, even though AFAIK their cleaners are still staff. It’s a shame they’re not properly unionised. A week without cleaners would make being in a University intolerable.
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