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A line under the matter
I veer between immense sympathy for Trina - unrequited love is never easy - and thinking “Have you no self-respect at all, woman?”
If this were a talentless soap opera, or we a minor deity, a new character might be in the offing. But.
I have precisely the same view of Trina, Suzy. It’s not the most dignified way to carry on, and I think she thinks she can change me.
This character won’t be killed off for a bit but she’ll be finding work elsewhere I hope.
What kind of paraphernalia? That’s the story within the story. Your “managing” her is going to become exhausting. If it isn’t already.
“I hope you are happy.” That’s nice. Are you?
No, the paraphernalia is just that – sunglasses, measuring cups, a jeweller’s knife, a tube of wasabi paste, post-it notes…
Trina-management will involve cutting down what we do together to those situations in which it can’t go wrong.
No sex
No sleeping together
No drinking beyond 1 or 2 drinks
No long periods spent with each other in which we are just conversing
And preferably – having other people around at the same time.
But going out dancing and to concerts should be OK.
Happiness – as Eleanor Roosevelt, I think it was, said (from memory – I can’t find it on a quick search) – if only we stopped trying to be happy we could all have a pretty good time.
Oh dear, poor Trina.
That’s a lot of dancing !
Oof. Well, a relief on the last point, anyway. I don’t know what to say about Trina. I suppose you’re never going to convince her to ditch the drama, so you just have to keep assessing whether or not it’s worth it. Which is, of course, enervating, and you really need all your energy for your sashays on the dance floor.
It’ll only end when she finds a new boyfriend, I think. Then she can conduct herself with a bit more self-respect, rather than trailing along after me all the time.
i am still amazed that Trina is still part of the cast of characters. i share Suzy’s point of view - ‘poor thing’ and ‘good god!’
It’s in her hands entirely. I’ve told her what’s on offer and it’s up to her.
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