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It's hard
Sex with an MP. It could go either way. It might be a horror or it might be the night of your life. Make her wear a judicial robe.
How do you sleep with her but restrain yourself? Isn’t it sublime torture?
£4.20 = $6.45. For a pint? I’d have done the same.
Unfortunately, with the MP, it’s generally known that I have the wrong colour eyes for her, if you see what I mean.
Yes – it doesn’t help that Kim is, in Kitty’s word’s “sparklingly attractive.”
In London you might be able to get away with it. Not up here though — we haven’t got that kind of cash in black pudding country!
An MP? That’d be one for the bucket list… i was chatted up by a municipal judge once… a conservative country boy lawyer, who made it to the top of the bench. i suspect if i’d been a bit more submissive and batted my eyes at him a bit, it could have become a date… but that’s not my gig…
Yes…she’s very pretty, wears glasses, is young and powerful. It’s a heady combination.
You’ve got to get the power balance right in sex – I felt that me and Donna had that perfectly without anything ever being said about it. In real life she was well-paid and had a senior position in a pharmaceutical firm. In bed (or the kitchen, or on the settee, or on the stairs) she wanted to be treated like a slut. I still miss her.
I chatted up the Queen Mum’s grand-niece while playing at their shack, but I was actually thrown out for filching wine.
well at least you’d be the only one in the country to have f***ed an MP rather than all the rest of us continually being f***ed by ours… good luck on that endeavour. Also might be able to earn from dosh from selling it to a fascist Sunday rag.
Ha ha Trebots, that’s brilliant!
F… Me and the MP are never going to end up fucking but if we did, I wouldn’t even mention it on here.
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