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Wow. There’s so much here that’s foreign to me. Cron job. Orange Squash. Poncy. What does it all mean?
At least she was polite. Its better than a slammed door. You’ve had those, haven’t you? I have.
A cron job is a task on a computer system which automates a process that is performed at a regular (well, not necessarily regular) interval. They’re everywhere and are running on your computer right now. The most obvious one I suppose is autosave in a text editor but Bob needs to know how to write custom ones himself. They are honestly not that difficult, but I’m not going to turn down money for something he could have taught himself for free. And I’m the same – I learn better by being shown things rather than following text instructions.
Orange squash is a disgusting drink of reconstituted orange concentrate diluted with water, usually with half a pound of sugar, aspartame, or some other sweetening crap added to it. It’s shite – it’s to oranges what instant coffee is to coffee.
Poncy means affected, stuck-up, trying to be classy and failing, with overtones of effeminacy.
Yeah, she was polite. They generally are, and tbh I haven’t had many slammed doors. It’s small comfort though when I did really think we were getting on. But you can’t help not fancying someone. I choose very attractive women, even in my friends, even in my blog readers :) and I suppose sometimes I might be over-reaching myself. But looks matter, and I can only go for those I think I might fancy.
I think the problem with online dating is expectation. When you meet someone in a more organic or spontaneous situation you can afford to be less judgemental, allow things to develop. Perhaps men ( or particularly you ) are much more visually led. I have been attracted to plenty of people who were by no means standardly good looking, but sometimes it’s only after you’ve known someone for ages ( even years) that you find them sexually attractive.
( Oh and are you off to Amsterdam ? I don’t understand the choice of title ! )
Yes, there’s too much invested in the first date. Everything’s got to happen at once, in that tiny amount of time when you literally do not know each other. The problem is I just don’t know how else I can meet people. It’s just absolutely impossible up here. At work everyone is married, and I can hardly sidle up to 50-y-o women in the pub.
I’ve had similar situations is real life to that one you describe, where I can be introduced to someone, and she hardly registers. Then at some point in the future, a switch goes off in your head and she’s suddenly attractive.
The title refers to the location of the Rijksmuseum, which is the national gallery of modern art of the Netherlands.
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