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How to prepare for a job interview
The more interviews you go on, the better you get at it. Take my word for it. When I was in the throes of joblessness with a mortgage and two kids, I was interviewing constantly. I began to play those HR reps like a concert master conducts an orchestra. It gets easier.
Yes, I’m sure it can only get easier. I really did feel wrung out by the end of it. I was sweating and shaking, and once you notice yourself responding in that way you can get into a bad loop of making yourself more anxious by trying to control yourself. I don’t understand it – I’m not even that bothered about getting it!
For some reason this reminded me of the scene in Trainspotting when Spud and Renton are going in for their mandatory job interview and both dab at the speed before they go in… well played mon ami.
and the reason i don’t put that url thing in is it kicks me out for some reason if i do, then again i’m a technological moron.
I still marvel at your drug/booze tolerance levels! Two night benders are a thing of the past for me I fear.
I can imagine you working in a bookies somehow and I’m sure it’d make for some great blog posts.
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