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You're fucnin dumped. Really.
Oh Looby, I’m really sorry, I hadn’t seen that coming . I’m glad you’ve got Kitty and Wendy, I’m sure they’ll be able to see it in a different light and make you feel better xxx ( crap comment I know, but well, you’re a tough’un, you’ll get through it )
So sorry to hear about your breakup. You seemed so happy. Big hugs.
Thank you both, very much. Isabelle – it would be nice not to have to be so tough sometimes. But you’re right about Kitty and Wendy. Bumped into them this afternoon and they’ve got a different and helpful perspective on it, which I’ll go into next time.
Jo – it was very short, but very sweet!
Well, that’s rough trade and I’m sorry to hear it, but at least she didn’t torment you for a long period of time and then dump you. She was rather adult about it.
You’ve got some fire to walk through. Stay grounded as best you can.
That’s what we call being blindsided now innit, chin up mate, shit always hurts and then fades, except maybe that little kernel we keep for the we hours of the morning when we play the re-run of our existence in our minds, then it will hurt much less and feel almost good, of course i can’t help think that with her for lack of a better word, instability, that your phone yet might ring it’s just you’ll have to accept then that it’s just sex and not sex and something else, but i feel for you sir, we rough and carefree sorts can still be hopeless romantics and when the romance is cut short it stings, it more than stings…
And your line about drugs is spot on, while some may use them for escapism (and many do) there are some of us who use them for exactly what you said, to intensify experience and gain self knowledge by opening doors… you’ll be alright my man.
Sorry to read this mate - hope you bounce back soon
Thank you, peeps. It’s 6am. The mornings and the nights are the most difficult, when I start uselessly re-running everything that happened. Every time the phone goes I hope it’s her. I hope she does contact me, but I can’t possibly contact her now. That would be to abase myself. Trina’s done that repeatedly and you lose respect for the person.
I don’t know why I’ve suddenly changed. A while ago a purely sexual relationship would have been fine, but I can’t see that working with Trish, despite the fact that I fancy her, very much, in a way that I found liberating and exhilarating.
I know in one way it’s best to end it sooner rather than later if it’s not right, but we were having such a great time.
Oh, best wishes, Looby. I’m back from a conference and only just catching up on this. You’re right to hold off, I think, but it’s hard.
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