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April showers
5 large is a tempting bit of dosh there my good man, the flip side is what happens if it doesn’t come off? what are the repercussions legal and otherwise? I used to have a career in that sort of thing, make sure you give it much thought and vet and ponder the crew, one fuck-up in or by the gang and it’s all tits up… otherwise good luck ;)
and of course i have some thoughts on this gaggle of women you surround yourself with but i’m still working it all out, lol!!!
Actually it’s not the usual line – so to speak – of work. It’d be a nice change, and would involve a bit of travel.
If it is true that he has been quietly scoping me out for a year before he offered the job to me, that’s both reassuring – in that he’s a man who doesn’t rush into things – and a bit flattering.
nothing will ever be final with Trina. until the “final final” for one or both of you. she’ll be back.
Well, we’ve been here before, and I’ve thought it was the final final many times. If she does come back it’s up to me to be strong enough to reject anything beyond friendship.
If you end up in Aquitaine I might bang on your door and request shelter from my idiot life.
Why is she grabbing your phone when your back is turned!? And hiding behind doors to eavesdrop? That’s low behavior, at the very least, and might be boardline psychotic.
Kono’s comments are the best. Put mine to shame.
Well, she said she wanted to see what I was saying about her. As bad as all this is,at least she doesn’t know about the blog!
I *pray* she never finds out about the blog. That’d be the last we hear of you. A tragic turn of events.
The 5k sounds intriguing.Could be:
a)translate this rare work by Kalashnikov and there’s 5000 in it for you
b)look after this Kalashnikov for me and there’s 5000 in it for you.
That would indeed cause quite a shitstorm and it would hurt her terribly. It’s a miracle that after all these years that news hasn’t leaked out. It would be a hell of a task redacting it all.
How did you guess?
Holy cow, I just dropped in to make sure you’re surviving Astana and find everything has changed; your life seems to be like one of those old fairground rides with metal fatigue and too many loose bolts.
And you drove past my door to go dancing in Glasgow, I’d have waved if I’d known!
Hiya Eryl
Yes, the bones are creaking now for sure and stability, peace and quiet seem as remote as ever.
I’ll be back up bopping in Glasgow soon – will give you a wave when we pass through your home town!
That was some prose in the first paragraph, excellent writing.
I’m away from my computer and thought I would catch up with your musings and life. It took me half an hour putting in things like gay, nazi, schoolgirl, lawnmower. Looby was the trick got there in the end. Well worth the effort.
Wow things have moved on. Lots of reading to go. Keep finding those pubs.
Haha the last comment was meant for your latest blog. I’m in Barbados at the moment a freebie apart from the airfare visiting my sister. I think the posting is as laid back as the Barbadians.
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