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Sunny; cloudy later
Section one: I don’t think your reply is either patronising, flippant, or ungracious. At least not more of any of those things than is entirely appropriate.
Section Two: I don’t think he should be going out of his way to shake your hand. But (unlike Trina there) I’m not going to make a song and dance about it. The offer of a job on the other hand- that’s worth a tango, in anybody’s money. I’m going to perform one now, in my backyard.
Section three: this reminds me of watching PlaySchool on BBC in the seventies, with my sister. The round window, the square one or the arched one. I’m saying your drinking is arched. And just occasionally, arch. Definitely not square.
(Abby used to always cheat by the way..ie she’d ‘guess’ square window, when it was by that time very clear that’s where the camera was zooming in. Not that I have in any way retained this perception for an unhealthy amount of time vis a vis sibling rivalry or anything else).
I just wish I hadn’t put the bit in about bestowing my musical taste upon her. It’s true, but there’s no need to say it de haut en bas.
I’d love to go back to The Big House, but it was only ever a few hours a week.
I found it a frustrating experience guessing those windows on Play School. I couldn’t work out the pattern. They really did seem to choose them randomly.
I’d wager to say dreary sex is better than no sex at all but at the same time won’t be missed as much as if it was then mind-blowing toe-curling variety…
Now i wonder if the job back at the big house will turn up the opportunity to shag the missus while the hubby is away? One never can tell you know, stranger things have happened…
And i once had a doctor ask me what i thought of my drug use, in a word i told him, excellent.
The round window, the arched window.. or the excellent window!
Abby by the way has privately admitted to a lengthy preschool career of BBC window-guess cheating…some kind of ‘technical issue’ has prevented this revelation being shared with the ‘world wide web’ via this very portal, apparently. But I think we all know how history will judge this question of our times.
Don’t be too harsh on her. Think of the burden she’s been carrying round all these years.
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Sorry kono, I did reply before but as these sites often do, it swallowed and erased it.
I was tickled about your response to the doctor (as I imagine they were too).
Yes…a bit of summer fun in The Big House would be lovely. I’m missing it a bit. The warm weather, you know :)