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Loose bra, no knickers
Nice’n'Naughty in Chester!!! It has a tittering ring to it - sounds like a right carry on.
Sorry to read that you’ve had another accident, at least the scooter hasn’t been stolen again.
I think most people enjoy a bit of needlessly revealing salacious gossip in the local newspaper. At least, I hope it’s not just me.
The women in your life do seem to be unusually good to you, you must deserve it.
Hope you’ve recovered from your accident.
Yo Loobs, Or it is Limpalong?! Seems Bristol is phat! ‘appen, aye ;-)
Awwraat ma lav lee?
Well the council workers have obviously lost touch with their dealers because they’ve taken them away! Boo, hiss!
I think that’s a most reasonable request if i’ve ever heard one… loose bra, no knickers… sounds like a chap i could get on with ;)
and i think i need to have you teach me how to get the women in my life to treat me as well as the ones in yours treat you… you charming bastard you :)
goddam internetz eating me damn comments again!! of coure this one will work….
Seems to me that’s a reasonable request from the old boy… loose bra, no knickers… seems the kind of chap i’d get on well with ;)
and i need you to teach me how to get the women in my life to treat me as well as the ones in yours treat you… you charming bastard you ;)
I quite understand the “no knickers” stipulation, it’s just the “loose bra” which puzzles me slightly. What, one too big for her?
I think anyone reading your blog would soon recognise your charm too. I feel the odd twinge of envy sometimes to be honest! It’s not looks, height, income, or coolness with me. My best guess is that I say things that sometimes people might be thinking themselves but are afraid to say. But I really don’t know. I’ve acted in a caddish manner many times but maybe the source is that I actually like women. I’m not sure one can say that about all men.
That’s an excellent point about actually liking women… i’ll be honest and say i probably go back and forth in that area, though i wonder if my past/current experiences have influenced my thinking and such… but in those late nights of staring at the floor on mushrooms if i’m honest with myself that i’ve always been a lad, hanging with the mates until it’s time to go and then a woman comes into play… maybe not all the one’s i’ve known but a good bit… i guess i am just a bastard ;)
I’m sorry it takes me so long to reply to comments – the notifications aren’t working.
Well a woman coming into play changes everything. A couple of people have said how more relaxed and calm I am now that I’ve met Mel. She’s very good for me, and I’m happy that the sex-driven honeymoon period seems to be going on longer than I expected!
And I hardly think with what you’re putting up with you can describe yourself as a bastard. I just read your posts in wonder at your patience and selflessness for the boyos.
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Well, I’m always very grateful when I am treated well. A great deal of kindness is shown me, all the time.
And thanks – the physical scars have gone but I still haven’t got my swerve and swagger fully back yet.