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Sodden in Gomorrah
Hello good sir!! i’ve been a bit run ragged to go along with a bit of dark clouds hanging about so it’s always good to stop by looby’s place to see a sentence like “homosexual Geography professor at a minor Welsh university", made me giggle ;)
i spent the weekend getting soaked myself by torrential downpours and gale force winds as i watchd the oldest at a footie tournament… more on that on the lounge (maybe) cuz i’m a lazy git!
and it was an interesting bit about the housing shortage here in Merica last night on the telly, about how we’re about 4 million dwellings short and you’d never guess why and who is behind it? the why is the sub-prime loan disaster and the who is… wait for it… fucking Wall St. Yes the bastards of finance seem to find never ending ways to fuck people over so after creating a giant shit show they are now in the process of cashing in on it… disgusting really… cheer my friend.
They do indeed kono, they can turn anything to their advantage. I’m over to the lounge to have a look at your clouds :)
I liked the Geography lecturer line too.
Housing for locals is very poor in Cornwall and Devon because of the second homers - you’re right the rich get away with everything and shit over ordinary people. Or use them as canon fodder when they feel the need.
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