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Short Leg
I thought you meant “security guard” for a moment.
Well we had to ask the lad in the hi-vis there, who was providing the security for us insecure types, to move for a rare moment of Morecambe goalmouth action. We told him he could move back in a minute.
I often wonder if we weren’t separated at birth? lol! i too have often had the experience of getting quite far in the interview process only to be told that i didn’t get it, at least when it came to “real jobs", any lumpen-prole grunt position i managed to get without a problem…
“deploying the good old fourth division hoof up the pitch…” i love it! every time i see a keeper make a mess of it by dicking around with the ball i lose my mind, WTF is he thinking!! is usually what i’m thinking, i do like Shrimpy though :) and my Palace finally got a point off the Rent Boys after a couple of uninspiring performances…
i hate running into women from the past… especially when they’re attractive and fit… mainly cuz i got a dirty mind ;)
The whole palarver is made more frustrating because there;s some weird rule in the railway industry that you don’t get feedback, so I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I think I’m apt to ramble on a bit, that might be the problem. Just stick to the point.
Shrimpy’s ace isn’t he. He’s quite popular on the terraces.
The woman from my past is fucking gorgeous – but I’ve found this often, that a woman who’s good looking at twenty will remain so at sixty. I only wish the weather had been hotter so she could have dispensed with the coat. Right I’ll stop here…:)
Good luck for the Bristol interview!
I wonder if the woman from the past is aware of the effect she has on you?
It’s difficult isn’t it, gauging the effect one has long others?
I’ll find out about the interview on Tuesday or Wednesday.
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