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Nodding off
Quite. There’s no such thing as a good cancer, but pancreatic cancer is an aggressive bastard.
That response was gorgeous… and brutally honest, lol!
I despise the bullshite companies want when interviewing, it’s bollocks, and it makes me dread (if) i ever have to enter the workforce again… sans the gig i work… one actually has to make them think we care about the fucking corporation when in reality the answer we want to give it this… “All i’m really looking for is the minimum amount of work with the best pay which will afford me the ability of food, shelter, the odd bit of sweeties (drugs), some leisure time at the cricket or football, i could give a toss about the “company” and it’s nonsense…
and yes Fuck Cancer!!! pancreatic is a tough one as well, painful from what i understand, here’s hoping she’s at least comfortable in the days left… i have a ritual when i swim of doing my “fuck cancer laps” where i name all the people who i’ve lost and all those who beat it and of course my beloved cats i’ve lost to it… sadly the former greatly outnumber the latter…
That’s what I think in interviews too – but there’s the hoops you need to go through. I was chatting to an air hostess once and she said “I’m pretty good at my job, because at heart I don’t care.” She meant she was good at faking it.
I like your fuck cancer swimming idea – sad but keeps you going. Helen’s all confused with the drugs she’s on. and thinks she’s going home soon.
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