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I’ve always thought of you as Mr Spread-sheets.
Well I did try clicking on the link there only to become embroiled in a Kafkaesque series of further meta links (if I understnd correctly the meaning of the word ‘meta’, which is doubtful) which upon clicking on them in turn delivered come-hither enreaties such as:
‘XML document must have a top level element. Error processing resource’
Which sounds to me like the sort of veiled comment on one’s internet-based love life which could crush a man. Well it would crush me. Of course you are made of sterner stuff and will soldier on regardless, and best of luck to you, so.
Sorry- entreaties. Let the record be corrected to show that I know the word is actually ‘entreaties’. Similarly, ‘understand’. Blame Marks and Spencers and their exemplary 5.5% own-branded Staffordshire IPA.
Ah, botheration! I suspect you’re using Word to open it.
Don’t do it for the dazzling intellectual depths and sexual revelations that you will uncover in my document, (as disappointment often offends) but as your incremental bit towards sharing things without relying on cartels:
And re your second post, I would love to pop over to Crinklyville now but I am similarly hampered by some out of date Thatcher’s Katy cider which the corner shop sells at a ruinous half price, and would be of little help in commenting. So I will reserve that pleasure until tomorrow.
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