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Well, you’re having a bumpy ride but it hasn’t affected the quality of your writing. I’m kind of done with blogging and have bailed out on reading all but just a couple. Yours is still the one I’ll always read first. I wish you could monetize this so you can enjoy good wine.
Cheers me dear. I hope you reconsider that decision. I knew Instagram would turn you. Don’t be seduced by younger models. They’re not as satisfying in the end.
Yes I should work on editing what I’ve got rather than droning on and on and on.
8n the meantime., Esther, who is my dear facto wife – complete with authentic lack of sex – is in bed having had a couple of small sherries earlier in the day, and I’m cooking our tea, which I hope she’ll like. So it’s not all bad. Thanks for sticking around
“De facto", although “dear facto” could stand.
I’m doing this from a dimphone.
I read your blog backwards (from 1st entry to almost last) - quite the craic! I’m the same age as you and raise my glass of cognac (sipped through a sleepless night while quaffing your words) to your indefatigable appetite for partying. Keep it oop!
Golly! You lass, deserve a medal! Wow that’s some endurance. Lovely to see you round here though and hope you enjoyed that cognac.
Damn shame about the job Looby…. but really pleased to see the rollercoaster has landed you back in some kind of gainful employment. And café work might not be the worst, what with the plentiful opportunities for observing (and chroniciling) the everyday that it offers.
Not that your not-exactly-ordinary everyday doesn’t present more than bleeding plenty to write about for you, all the same. And I do (have been thinking about this since I first read about the railjob thing, which was a few days ago) agree with Exile- that maybe this is fate telling you that this is the time for you to get on with making this wealth of words into something that will pay the bills. Got to be a way of making that happen!
It’s hard work Jonathan. It’s so tiring. Half hour unpaid for dinner but otherwise 10 till 6, and no other breaks, not sitting down once, and not two consecutive days off except once a month. Minimum wage.
But I’m quite resilient, and I’ll do it till I find something better. I just need to find 450 pounds by the 25th to pay my rent.
I’m so knackered in the evenings that editing this farrago to make it attractive gets pushed aside all the time but I will try to spend some time doing it soon.
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