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Toilet encouters of the Modernist kind
Sounds like a curious festival, and I think everywhere was way too cold last week!
I love those technical diagrams, they remind me of how technically useless I am and how little I know about so many things, but they are aesthetically fascinating.
Yes, try to drink a little less.
It’s great, some of the concerts really transport you. And it feels like a gathering of the clan. You feel part of a subculture.
Hope you’re all cosy and tucked up down there Miss S. It’s been a bit grim, even down in the pansy-ish southwest!
The way you get into things and on with people reminds me of someone i know… ;)
believe it’s time to pitch my reality show to the networks… Looby and Kono Travel the World… it’s ostensibly a show about two blokes who’ve never met in person then meet in, i dunno, the Prague train station, and then head off on madcap hi-jinks which usually involve drinking, drugging, fine ladies of suspect reputation and any other adventures they get themselves wrapped up in… like Scooby Doo with out the dog, unless of course we find one and bring him/her along… what network would honestly turn this down?
That is a sure-fire hit. Whether the protagonists ever manage to get out of hospital or the police station or the loony bin in time to sign the contract is a moot point however.
I recently entered a competition dozens of times in order to win a week in NYC. I’d have been straight over to yours and Exile’s in Newark. Unfortunately the competition was rigged and someone else won.
P.S. kono – I have no idea how I’ve only just seen this. I’ve been away from loobynet since 23rd December but I notice you posted this before then. Sorry my friend. The British internet is starting to resemble its strike-bound, unreliable, privatised, “Royal” Mail.
No worries mate, we all have things going on and the internets sometimes has a mind of it’s own, lol! besides i’m so stoned most of the time i have to check to see if i left a comment or if i just imagined i did, lol!
Full disclosure- the telly program is a spinoff on an idea i once had on the way to Cleveland from the Burgh… we had stopped at highway rest stop to take a piss… in a momentary lapse of discipline we had began to indulge in the Bolivian Marching powder that was supposed to be for later, (luckily someone thought ahead and brought an extra bit) and since we were getting a bit off our tits the ideas were rolling… we happened to see this very American lad who was wearing a fringe jacket with the scene of a wolf on a rock ledge howling at the moon and stars… needless to say it we were giggling fools and so we came up with the idea of spending 24-48 hours at a highway rest stop while getting off our face on various substances ranging from weed to coke to psychedelics with some booze clandestinely thrown in for good measure, of course in the name of Hunter Thompson we’d have to do this without “permission” while we filmed/documented the whole bit before most likely being tossed in jail. Sure the Travel Channel would have paid loads for this show!!
Happy New Year my friend!!
A splendid way to spend a couple of days on the road!
And a very Happy New Year to you and everyone else who has stuck around all these years.
Goodness - man it’s simple :
Down the Hooch, Up the Ram (or how ever one wants to call the one and only).
If yer already using the blue pills - to no avail - : Cleanse, Meditate, Sober up.
Give yer body a chance to recover. Get all out of yer system, after 36 hours all is gone.
It miracuously will recover.
(sooner or later. But usually fast. we are of the same age.)
After a few weeks of tea, water, vegetables, and meditation, a little joint is yer friend, and you’ll stay on the tower of power for hours again. Never leave out Mel. Dot’s important. But who am I, to tell you, eh ?!
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Hello Mr Maggs. Well – last week I stayed off the booze for an unprecedented three days and tried the pills again, and Lo! He is Arisen! :)
I raise a carrot juice in your direction!