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A handful

  Sun 9th December 2012

I am in the pub with someone who's asked me to look over his dissertation. The couple at the next table ask if they can borrow my phone to ring a taxi. "Of course," I say. Especially as you're really pretty, I didn't. Mid forties. I've seen her round.

The taxi is a long time coming and we get into some pleasant chit-chat. It eventually arrives and Fit Bit and Bloke leave. I get back to correcting my friend's dissertation.

After a while I look up and am surprised to see Fit Bit standing alone at the bar. She's twiddling her foot round on her heel. Tight jeans, and a grey woolen wrap-around top that considerately stops at waist level. "I'm going to see if I can get her to sit with us, K---is that alright? Better than looking at you all afternoon." I hurry my drink so that I must go to the bar.

"Did the taxi get lost and bring you back then?" I say. She's got a lovely south Lancashire accent and I mentally repeat the sound of some of her words for the pleasure it gives me. "You could come and sit down if you liked--I'm sure you've had an exhausting journey." I get a little conspiratorial look from the woman standing the other side of Fit Bit. I smile secretly back, enjoying being interpellated in that way.

Me and Fit Bit get on easily and chattily. She swears like a docker and recites, using the looped and repeated narration technique common in drinkers, the details of how she had to come back to the pub as she had left her bag behind. It was still there, unmolested.

K has lost interest and hardly joins in; I am reminded that three can an awkward number socially. With my usual sensitivity in these matters, I ignore him, selfishly enjoying flirting with Fit Bit, getting to the Needlessly Frequent Forearm Touching Stage. She excuses herself to go to the loo.

"Fucking hell, she can talk," he says. "I don't mind that," I say. "She's fit though isn't she? Lovely tits." "Hmmm, not my type," says K, and directs my attention to a leggy young girl with a figure like a plank. "Oh God no," I say. "It'd be like shagging a xylophone."

She comes back and we launch back into chatting, me slightly wishing K would fuck in the general direction of off and have a go with Miss Plank. Suddenly, I look up and her rather large and rather bald boyfriend has been teleported to our table. He says something I can't make out in a disgusted voice. "Ahh," she says, waving her arm dismissively. "Fucking..." And he walks out.

The atmosphere sinks. I look up to see a couple of people watching our drama unfold, which now, without context, might look illicit. "Never mind," I say, "Let's have another drink. Pint of Guinness is it?" "Yes, and I want a Jagermeister."

K leaves and I breathe a guilty sigh of relief. Fit Bit gives me the background to her boyfriend's grumpiness. "I know I'm a handful sometimes," and the thought of standing behind her and stroking her breasts flashes across my mind, wondering what her nipples would feel like flicked under my splayed fingers. "But it's all control, control, control. I left my last boyfriend because of that and I'm fucking sick of it."

She shakes her head, as if to stop herself, and bids me a sudden and quick farewell, which takes me aback. I look downwards and gather my things, because I can feel "Well there you go son, that didn't quite go to plan did it?" being broadcast on all frequencies.


Comment from: [Member]

“…wishing K would fuck in the general direction of off”

THAT was brilliant!

Sun 9th December 2012 @ 20:04

I always lend my phone to pretty girls. Overweight dockworkers? Not so much.

You turned a spontaneous meet-up to dinner and a show for others. Good thing you’re comfortable on stage.

Mon 10th December 2012 @ 05:36
Comment from: looby [Visitor]

DF: Thanks! I should admit I pinched it off someone else who used it a few years ago.

UB: Only one couple noticed, I think, but they looked so bored with each other that we probably could have been doing crosswords and they’d have found it thrilling.

Mon 10th December 2012 @ 06:02

Ah well, life is full of disappointments.

I hesitate to ask, because I’m probably sure that the answer will be semi-incomprehensible, but what was the title of the dissertation?

Mon 10th December 2012 @ 11:15
Comment from: [Member]

It’s not really a disappointment as I wasn’t angling for anything. I was just flirting. I just wanted to indicate that I fancied her and that I liked talking to her. I’d love that if someone did that to me but that’s not something girls do. But I wasn’t trying to talk her into bed or anything.

The title of K’s dissertation was something about models of care for people with dementia. He’s doing a practical subject in a renamed poly, and both the subject and the institution attract students who can’t write. That’s good for me because I can make a few quid out of illiterate people who are trying to get jobs that used to involve an apprenticeship but now require a degree.

Mon 10th December 2012 @ 13:22
Comment from: Tony [Visitor]

Loob you are a boy.
As for the last paragraph of your comment above excellent and how true.
They always say O levels have not been dumbed down well my question to those who have taken maths is did you do differentiation and integration and the answer is no and apparently its not even an A Level topic. Well I did it in my O Level exam and it was bloody difficult.

Tue 11th December 2012 @ 00:01
Comment from: [Member]

Yes, I was very surprised when my girls told me that they’d be taking at least a part of their French GCSE next year – i.e., two years before they complete secondary education.

At the moment their French is very ropey and in a way, I don’t want them to come out with a certificate for such a low level of competence in the language.

I got a GCE Grade 1 in Maths, which they said was eqivalent to a C at O level, but it’s not really because the topics were easier.

Tue 11th December 2012 @ 03:03
Comment from: young at heart [Visitor]

if you live by the sword………!!

Wed 12th December 2012 @ 11:52

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looby, n.; pl. loobies. A lout; an awkward, stupid, clownish person

M / 60 / Bristol, "the most beautiful, interesting and distinguished city in England" -- John Betjeman [1961, source eludes me].

"Looby is a left-wing intellectual who is obsessed with a) women's clothes and b) tits." -- Joy of Bex.

WLTM literate woman, 40-65. Must have nice tits, a PhD, and an mdma factory in the shed, although the first on its own will do in the short term.

There are plenty of bastards who drink moderately. Of course, I don't consider them to be people. They are not our comrades.
Sergei Korovin, quoted in Pavel Krusanov, The Blue Book of the Alcoholic

I am here to change my life. I am here to force myself to change my life.
Chinese man I met during Freshers Week at Lancaster University, 2008

The more democratised art becomes, the more we recognise in it our own mediocrity.
James Meek

Tell me, why is it that even when we are enjoying music, for instance, or a beautiful evening, or a conversation in agreeable company, it all seems no more than a hint of some infinite felicity existing apart somewhere, rather than actual happiness – such, I mean, as we ourselves can really possess?
Turgenev, Fathers and Sons

I hate the iPod; I hate the idea that music is such a personal thing that you can just stick some earplugs in your ears and have an experience with music. Music is a social phenomenon.
Jeremy Wagner

La vie poetique has its pleasures, and readings--ideally a long way from home--are one of them. I can pretend to be George Szirtes.
George Szirtes

Using words well is a social virtue. Use 'fortuitous' once more to mean 'fortunate' and you move an English word another step towards the dustbin. If your mistake took hold, no-one who valued clarity would be able to use the word again.
John Whale

One good thing about being a Marxist is that you don't have to pretend to like work.
Terry Eagleton, What Is A Novel?, Lancaster University, 1 Feb 2010

The working man is a fucking loser.
Mick, The Golden Lion, Lancaster, 21 Mar 2011

The Comfort of Strangers

23.1.16: Big clearout of the defunct and dormant and dull
16.1.19: Further pruning

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gairnet provides: press of blll defunct, but retained for its quality
George Szirtes ditto
Infomaniac [NSFW]
The Joy of Bex
Laudator Temporis Acti
Leeds's Singing Organ-Grinder
The Most Difficult Thing Ever
Strange Flowers
Trailer Park Refugee
Wonky Words

"Just sit still and listen" - woman to teenage girl at Elliott Carter weekend, London 2006

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